Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Owh, I'm dying for this!!!

One of my favorite car model manufacturer, is Tamiya. The best thing about Tamiya is, you can custom your model, the way you like it! You can paint it, you can change the parts, you can do this, and that and all..phew!

I've been thru Tamiya Malaysia website to find this car. It's not there. I go to's there. But I can't get it thru Ebay coz my debit cards have been denied! Hahaha..Plus, I'm not really into Ebay, coz I had one worst experience about them before.

So, I keep my search on. I googled and I found this blog, This dude owns a TAMIYA HONDA S2000! Damn! Here's the picture of his S2000, taken from his blog!

Nice isn'it!? So detail! So, impressive! So speechless! Even this dude knows how to put in on camera! Great work, and nice touch dude! Brilliant!

Sadly, his last post was on early 2008. No more from him since then. I wonder where he is now. But dude, if you read this, reply me back..maybe we can do some business here eyh? Haha..

And yeah, to all of you who got this one too...reply me!

Damn, what a cool model!

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