Monday, January 4, 2010

Not just toy cars..

Elliot and his S2000. Picture taken from his web.

Working in the office bores us sometimes. Pen and papers give us a headache!

But PC and internet, well this is the here, will bring you to this guy, Elliot who collects S2000.

But, wait! Elliot here is not only collect die-casts. He also collects, t-shirts, posters, magazines and some other stuffs..including, a real S2000!

Way to go dude..!!

He's been around since 1999..or a year earlier and I don't know if he's still online or not..tried to search for his blog, but nope..can't find it..he only left his e-mail, and I wrote to him..

If replied, and I get something, I'll share.

Owh, one more thing..he warns us in his web; Nothing Here is for Sale!, (but he puts a price on every item)...

So, guys..don't ever try your luck to get them! Hahahaha..

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